Accueil > Archives > Journées et colloques : septembre 2008–juillet 2012 > Journées et colloques 2009-2010 > Presentation Meeting In honour of Henk Bos’s 70th birthday
Contexts, emergence and issues of Cartesian geometry
Presentation Meeting In honour of Henk Bos’s 70th birthday
Special Issue of Historia Mathematica, Vol. 37, Number 3 (2010)
09h30-10h June Barrow-Green (The Open University, Co-Editor in Chief of Historia Mathematica), Jan Hogendijk (University of Utrecht) and Sebastien Maronne (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona & SPHERE, CNRS-Université Paris Diderot, Guest Editor of the special
issue), Introduction
History and Philosophy
10h00-10h30 Mic Detlefsen (University of Notre Dame & ANR Chaire d’excellence Ideals of Proof"), Philosophical challenges from the history of mathematics
10h30-10h50 Ken Manders (Pittsburgh University), On Descartes’ early algebra
10h50-11h20 Discussion
11h20-11h30 Pause
Issues : circulation and contrasting approaches
11h30-11h50 Erik-Jan Bos (University of Utrecht), Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia and Descartes’ Letters (1650-1665)
11h50-12h10 Dominique Descotes (CERHAC-CIBP, Université Clermont-Ferrand II), An unknown theorem by Blaise Pascal
12h10-12h30 Massimo Galuzzi (Università di Milano), Newton’s attempt to construct an unitary view of mathematics
12h30-13h00 Discussion
13h00-14h00 Buffet Lunch
14h00-14h20 David Rabouin (SPHERE, CNRS-Université Paris Diderot), What Descartes knew of mathematics in 1628
14h20-14h40 Andrew Arana (Kansas State University & ANR Chaire d’excellence Ideals of Proof"), Descartes and the cylindrical helix
14h40-15h10 Discussion
15h10-15h20 Pause
15h20-15h40 Jan Hogendijk (University of Utrecht),The scholar and the fencing master : the exchanges between Joseph Justus Scaliger and Ludolph van Ceulen on the circle quadrature (1594-1596)
15h40-16h00 Liesbeth de Wreede (University of Utrecht), A dialogue on the use of arithmetic in geometry : Van Ceulen’s and Snellius’s Fundamenta Arithmetica et Geometrica
16h00-16h20 Marco Panza (IHPST, CNRS-Université Paris 1), Rethinking Geometrical Exactness
16h20-16h50 Discussion
16h50-17h00 Conclusion
Voir en ligne : Historia Mathematica
Dans la même rubrique :
- Pratiques mathématiques
- Towards a reasonable moral realism/Vers un réalisme moral raisonnable
- Tables et astronomie
- Imachinations : machines recontextualisées à l’âge classique / Recontextualised Machines in the Early Modern Period
- La transfusion au Sud : histoire et anthropologie
- Contrasting proofs
- Questioning "occult sciences"
- Editions critiques et histoire des éditions critiques/Annotations
- Journées doctorants
- Journée inter-équipes des doctorants
- Rencontres Histoire des sciences en Asie
- "Mathesis metaphysica quadam" : Leibniz, between Mathematics and Philosophy
- Projet PEPS ”Imaginations”, conférence internationale
- Géométrie(s), pratiques d’arpentage et enseignement : quels liens et dans quel contexte ?
- Histoire et anthropologie de la transfusion sanguine
- Les lieux de mémoire de la recherche médicale
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- Sociétés savantes, amateurs et savoirs scientifiques
- Rencontre sur l’observation en mathématiques
- Simplicity as an Epistemological Value in Scientific Practice