Accueil > Archives > Journées et colloques : septembre 2008–juillet 2012 > Journées et colloques 2009-2010 > "Mathesis metaphysica quadam" : Leibniz, between Mathematics and Philosophy
"Mathesis metaphysica quadam" : Leibniz, between Mathematics and Philosophy
The Ideals of Proof (IP) Project (ANR) and REHSEIS (UMR 7219, SPHERE) are pleased to announce a workshop on interrelationships between mathematics and philosophy in the thought of Leibniz.
The workshop will take place Monday, March 8 through Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
All meetings the first two days will be in the salle Dusanne of the ENS (45 rue d’Ulm, Paris). On the third day, the meetings will be in the Klee room, which is room 454A of the Condorcet building, on the Grands Moulins campus of the U of Paris-Diderot.
The talks and discussions are free and open to the public. All interested persons are warmly invited to attend.
: : Session I : 9h00 – 10h50
Herbert Breger (Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover) : "The substructure of Leibniz’s metaphysics"
: : Session II : 11h00 – 12h50
Michel Serfati (IREM, Université Paris VII) : "Mathematics, metaphysics and symbolism in Leibniz : the principle of continuity"
: : Session III : 14h30 – 16h20
Vincenzo De Risi (Humboldt Fellow, Technische Universität, Berlin) : "Leibniz’s studies on the Parallel Postulate"
: : Session IV : 9h00 – 10h50
Philip Beeley (Linacre College, Oxford) : "In deliberationibus ad vitam pertinentibus. Method and Certainty in Leibniz’s Mathematical Practice"
: : Session V : 11h00 – 12h50
Richard Arthur (Department of Philosophy, McMaster University) : “Leibniz’s Actual Infinite in Relation to his Analysis of Matter”
: : Session VI : 14h30 – 16h20
Samuel Levey (Department of Philosophy, Dartmouth College) : "Leibniz’s analysis of Galileo’s paradox"
: : Session VII : 9h00 – 10h50
Emily Grosholz (Department of Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University) : "The Representation of Time in Galileo, Newton and Leibniz"
: : Session VIII : 11h00 – 12h50
Eberhard Knobloch (Institut für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschafts- und Technikgteschichte, Technische Universität Berlin) :
"Analyticité, équipollence et la théorie des courbes chez Leibniz"
Pour plus d’informations/For further information, please contact either of the workshop organizers, Michael Detlefsen or David Rabouin.
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