Accueil > Archives > Journées et colloques : septembre 2008–juillet 2012 > Journées d’étude et colloques 2008-2009 > Workshop on early mathematics
Workshop on early mathematics
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
November 24 and 25th, 2008
à New York
November 24, 2008, 9 am – 12:30
Christine Proust (CNRS, REHSEIS)
Structure of series texts : a new approach of cuneiform mathematical corpus
John Steele (Brown University, Providence)
Shadows in Babylonian Astronomy
Agathe Keller (CNRS, REHSEIS)
Reflecting on the different social groups that produced mathematical knowledge and
texts in ancient India : different research perspectives, with a special emphasis on the
history of versified problems and the perspective they open.
November 24, 2008, 2 pm - 5 :30 pm
Toke Knudsen (New York State)
The Direction of Down and Adhesive Antipodeans : Tradition and Innovation in
Medieval Indian Astronomy
Michio Yano (Sangyo University, Japan)
Buddhist astronomy and astrology
Karine Chemla (CNRS, REHSEIS)
Writing down texts for algorithms : views from ancient China
November 25, 2008, 9 am - 12 :30
Markus Asper (Department of Classics, New York University)
Narratives in Greek Mathematics ?
Joe Dauben (City University of New York)
Archimedes and Liu Hui on Circles and Spheres
Alexander Jones (ISAW, NYU)
Parapegma puzzles : reconstructing Greek documents on stellar risings and settings.
Dans la même rubrique :
- Eléments idéaux en mathématiques
- Workshop on the role of diagrams in mathematics : history, logic, philosophy and cognitive sciences
- Langage et évolution (XIXe XXe siècles) entre sciences de la nature et sciences de l’esprit
- Adaptations
- Workshop : "textes et instruments scientifiques anciens élaborés dans un contexte d’enseignement : situations, usages, fonctions"