Accueil > Archives > Journées et colloques : septembre 2008–juillet 2012 > Journées d’étude et colloques 2008-2009 > Workshop on the role of diagrams in mathematics : history, logic, philosophy and cognitive sciences
Workshop on the role of diagrams in mathematics : history, logic, philosophy and cognitive sciences
Accord Cadre CNRS—Stanford University
Jeudi 9 octobre
14h00-15h15 - Valeria Giardino (CNRS, Institut Nicod)
Diagrammatic Reasoning and Empirical research
15h30-16h45 - Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France)
Intuitions of Number and Space
17h00-18h15 - Solomon Feferman (Stanford University)
And so on... Reasoning with infinite diagrams
18h30-19h15 - Irina Starikova (Bristol University)
The Role of the Visual : From Groups to Their Graphs.
Vendredi 10 Octobre
9h15-10h30 - Amirouche Moktefi (University of Strasbourg)
The Golden Age of Logical Diagrams
10h45-12h00 - Robin Hartshorne (Berkeley University)
Diagrams in Euclid’s Elements and in Algebraic Geometry : a comparative account
12h15-13h00 - Davide Crippa (CNRS, REHSEIS)
To prove the evident:On the inferential role of diagrams in Euclid’s plane geometry
14h30-15h45 - Agathe Keller (CNRS, REHSEIS)
Geometrical Diagrams in Sanskrit Mathematical texts : 5th-12th centuries
16h00-17h15 - Karine Chemla (CNRS, REHSEIS)
Diagrams for algorithms
17h30-18h15 - Mitsuko Mizuno (CNRS, REHSEIS)
A historical approach to the diagrams related to the problem of the seven bridges of
18h30-19h45 - Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (REHSEIS, Université Paris-Diderot Paris 7)
On the demonstrative force of diagrams in category theory
Samedi 11 octobre
9h15-10h30 - Dominique Tournès (IUFM de la Réunion, & REHSEIS, CNRS)
Diagrams in differential equations theory (18th-19th centuries)
10h45-12h00 - Marcus Giaquinto (University College, London)
Curves in Proofs
12h15-13h30 - Annalisa Coliva (University of Modena)
Human Diagrammatic Reasoning and Seeing-As
14h30-15h45 - Graciela De Pierris (Stanford University)
Hume on Space and Geometry
16h00-17h15 - Michael Friedman (Stanford University)
Kant on Geometry and Spatial Intuition
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