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Home > Archives > Seminars: September 1996–July 2012 > Seminars: programs 2011-2012 > History of Science, History of Text 2011-2012

Axe Recherches interdisciplinaire en histoire et philosophie des sciences

History of Science, History of Text 2011-2012

Organisers: Karine Chemla with Agathe Keller, Christine Proust, and all HSHT group
of the project SAW

In 2011-2012, the seminar ’History of Science, History of Text’ will mainly explore
textual problems related to the ERC Project SAW — "Mathematical Sciences in the
Ancient World".

The seminar will address the following issues regarding scientific sources:
- How textual sources bear witness to the social groups that produced them
- How textual sources testify to knowledge
- History of compilations
- How players structure their texts and knowledge into parts
- How textual sources reflect the material environement in which they were produced

Two exceptions to this programme.
21 October 2011, the seminar is dedicated to the usage of alphabet in scientific texts.
22 March 2012, the seminar ir organised jointly with the project ’History of Numerical
Tables’ and is dedicated to the texts of the numerical tables, particularly Chinese.

To current year and archives 1996-

PROGRAM 2011–2012: Room 646A, Mondrian, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm,
6th floor, inside the Condorcet building of the Paris Diderot University.
Access map

October 21, 2011

The use of alphabet in scientific texts (organized by Koen Vermeir)

  • Emmanuel D’Hombres (Faculty of philosophy, Université catholique de Lyon)
    Comment les dictionnaires et encyclopédies fin 18e et début 19e siècle recréent de l’ordre et de la hiérarchie parallèlement, en-deça ou grâce à leur structuration alphabétique
  • Stéphane Schmitt (SPHERE, CNRS & U. Paris Diderot)
    Les index et tables alphabétiques dans l’Histoire naturelle et leurs fonctions

November 17, 2011

Documents for work, published documents [
NB: The workshop will exceptionnally end a 6:30 pm]

  • David Rowe (Mainz Universitaet)
    Göttingen in Wartime: Felix Klein’s Lectures on the History of 19th-Century Mathematics as a Communal Project
  • Martha-Cecilia Bustamante (SPHERE)

    Les notes de cours : écriture de l’urgence ?
  • Omar Nasim (Chair for Science Studies (ETH-Zurich) and Member of the NCCR Eikones (Univ. Basel)

    Procedures in Astronomers Observing Books: Notes and Sketches
  • Bahram Djenab
    La théorie physique et le statut de l’image : du 19e au 20e siècle

December 15, 2011

Citations & Identification of milieus

  • Daniel Morgan (University of Chicago and Needham Research Institute)
    Writing the History of Chinese Astronomy from Medieval Quotations of Ancient Texts
  • Valérie Cordonier (CNRS, SPHERE)
    A propos de la citation verbale et des rapports entre son contexte et sa signification: analyse d’un cas tiré de la philosophie médiévale
  • Frédéric Brechenmacher (Université d’Artois)
    Lire entre les textes l’histoire de l’algèbre au XIXe siècle

January 19, 2012 , room Mondrian, 646A

Modes of compilation

  • Valérie Naas (Université Paris Sorbonne)
    L’Histoire naturelle de Pline l’Ancien: la méthode d’un encyclopédiste antique
  • Dimitri Drettas (CRCAO)
    Composer la myriade des savoirs nécessaires –– Insertion de matériaux et environnement textuel dans les encyclopédies domestiques chinoises (13e-17e s.)
  • Pamela Smith (Columbia University)
    Why write a book? Artisanal experience and the written word in early modern Europe.

February 9, 2012 , exceptionnally in 2012, room Klein, 612B !!!

Parts of texts I

  • Julie Lefebvre (CELTED (Centre d’Etudes Linguistiques des Textes et des Discours), Université Paul Verlaine de Metz)
    Parts et pans de texte dans les notes en bas de page
  • Christine Proust (CNRS, SPHERE)
    Tablette, section, ligne : découpages des textes dans les mathématiques cunéiformes
  • Micheline Decorps (Université de Clermont-Ferrand, SPHERE)
    Le texte des Coniques d’Apollonius : les étapes d’une construction

March 22, 2012 , room Mondrian, 646A

Workshop shared with the project « History of numerical tables »—Workshop on Chinese sources

  • Michael Nylan (Berkeley University)
    Tables in the dynastic histories Shiji and Hanshu
  • Ma Biao (Yamaguchi University)
    The tables found in excavated documents of the Qin and Han dynasties and the form of mathematical tables 秦汉出土文书中所见表与算数表的形制
  • Karine Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE)
    Texts of mathematical tables in China after the Han dynasty

April 5, 2012 , room Mondrian, 646A

Texts as documents

  • Introduction Karine Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE)

  • Piotr Michalowski (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
    Aleatoric Textuality: Semantics and Context of Cuneiform Tablets

  • Florence Bretelle-Establet (CNRS, SPHERE)
    Savoirs implicites et savoirs explicites dans des textes de médecine chinoise

May 10, 2012 , room Klimt, 366A

Parts of texts II

  • Karin Preisendanz (University of Vienna Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies)
    Text Segmentation, Chapter Naming and the Transmission of Embedded Texts in the Indian Medical and Philosophical Traditions: The Cases of the
    Carakasamhita and the Nyayasutra
  • only slides 1-32 have been presented

  • Zou Dahai (Institute for the history of natural sciences, Beijing) & K. Chemla
    Parts in Chinese mathematical texts

  • Mathieu Ossendrijver (University of Tübingen Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
    Segmentation of Babylonian astronomical procedures

June 7, 2012 , room Mondrian, 646A

The hand as a working tool

  • Marta Hanson (Johns Hopkins University & University of Erlangen, Germany, at the International Research Consortium on Fate, Freedom & Prognostication)
    Lecture cancelled
    Understanding is Within One’s Grasp (liaoran zai wo): Hand Mnemonics and Chinese Arts of Memory
  • Matthias Hayek (CRCAO, Université Paris Diderot)
    Fate calculation at one’s finger tips: Uses of the hand as a divination tool in Late Medieval-Early Modern Japan
  • Albrecht Heeffer (Ghent University)
    From hand mnemonics to embodied arithmetic: tangible aspects of abbaco arithmetic

Previous years
During the academic year 2010 – 2011, the seminar was organized in monthly daily workshops and examined the following issues:
  • Numerical and other kinds of tables
  • Organisation and use of scholarly writings
  • Encyclopedias
  • Paratext and material organisation of texts
  • Note taking & the Inscription of the oral
  • Critical editions of scholarly texts and history of critical editions.