11. Paloma raity

Tukumbu Corpus    Nomenclature

Step 1

Opening A

Step 2


Step 3

Pass the mouth away from you into the little triangle made by Wn and 1n.
With the Teeth, grasp the string 5f at the center of the figure.


Release 5.


Distally, insert 5 into T loop. Release T.

Step 4

Grasp 1n with T at the center of the figure.


Release 1.


Proximally, insert 1 into T loop. Release T.

Return to 18-Porton

Step 5

Distally, insert R2 and R3 into L1 loop and L5 loop respectively. Pick up L1f and L5n and return.


Distally, insert L2 and L3 into R2 and R3 loops respectively, pick up R1f and R5n and return.

Step 6

Pass R2 away from you proximal to L2 and L3 loops. Distally, insert R2 into L5 loop, hook up L5n and return.
Transfer distal R2 loop to R1


Pass R2 towards you proximal to L2 and L3 loops. Distally, insert R2 into L1 loop, hook up L1f and return.
Transfer distal R2 loop to L5. 


Repeat on the right hand.

Distally, insert R2 and R3 into L2 loop and L3 loop respectively. Pick up L1f and L5n and return. Release L1235.


Transfer the double R2 and R3 distal loops to L1 and L5 respectively.


Repeat on the right hand.

Final figure of 11. Paloma raity

