


          Fingers and hands     String and loops    Elementary operations   Sub-procedures


1 = Thumb, 2 = Index, 3 = Middle, 4 = Ring, 5 = Little, H=Hand, W = Wrist, T = Teeth
345 = Middle, ring, and little fingers acting as a single finger.
L before finger designation = left; (i.e., L1 = left thumb)
R before finger designation = right; (i.e., R1 = right thumb)


n after finger designation = near (or radial)
f after finger designation = far (or ulnar)

TV = transverse

Adjectives Definition
Radial the loop or string nearest  the thumb
Ulnar the loop or string nearest  the little-finger
Palmar a string that crosses the palm
Dorsal a string that crosses the back of a finger or hand
Distal the loop or string nearest the fingertip, regardless of the finger’s orientation
Proximal the loop or string nearest the base of the finger, regardless of the finger’s orientation.

Proximally or "proximal to" means  "from proximal side".

Distally or "distal  to" means "from distal side". 


When there is no L or R designation before before a finger number, the action is performed simultaneously on both hands unless otherwise stated.

Pick up - retrieve a string using the nail side of a finger.
Hook up - retrieve a string using the fingerprint side of a finger, then straighten the finger by rotating it a half turn towards you or away from you as indicated.
Hook down - retrieve a string using the fingerprint side of a finger, securing it in the crook of a bent finger. Oftentimes the finger remains in this position with the fingertip touching the palm.
Release - Allow the loop to slip off the finger.

Horizontal rotation are said to be done either "clockwise" or "anticlockwise" regardless of an observer located on the left side of the practitioner.

1. Openings  = Sub-procudure which puts the string in the first "Normal Position"

- Opening A

2. Other sub-procedures

- Transfer
- Move a loop from one finger to another. Proximally transfer 5 loop to 2 means "on each hand, insert index finger into the loop on the little finger, entering it from the knuckle side, then withdraw the little finger."

- Navaho

- Caroline Extension

[1] This nomenclature is due to the International String Figures Association (with some personal addings and modifications)